TIEC IS a partner with the #WeHealUS Trauma and Mental Health Awareness campaign.
There is a crisis in education in Pennsylvania and across the country. Communities, students, and school districts are suffering from the staggering, exhausting, and multifaceted impact of the months that have followed in March of 2020.
Join the Trauma-Informed Education Coalition as we confront head-on the difficulties we are facing across Pennsylvania and the country. This interactive event will feature three panels. Experts will analyze and explore solutions for communities, for the difficulties faced by students, and for stress being faced by educators.
PANEL I: 11:40 - 12:45 How is the Community?
Experts in the field of mental health will discuss the current overall, generalized stress faced by our communities and the impact it has on the education system.
PANEL II: 12:50 - 1:55 How Are the Children?
A panel of experts will discuss the general mental health needs of students as well as the unique needs for specific resources and supports for children of incarcerated parents, military parents, and those who are homeless.
PANEL III: 2:00 - 3:05 How Are the Teachers?
A panel of experts and advocates will discuss the general mental health needs as well as trauma preventative approaches for administrators, teachers, counselors, and other school support staff.
Cross Attendee Sharing Session: 3:05 - 3:25 In Breakout groups, attendees will share their solutions to and needs for additional ideas on how to address the current crisis in education.
Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81855572874?pwd=ZEowZHN0ZVFxZ0hCbTNnbW1uRUNKQT09
Meeting ID: 818 5557 2874
Passcode: 491664